Ad-Hoc Analysis
Ability to dump PowerBI report content into the users local copy of Excel + Analyse in Excel from PowerBI
Claims split by Risk
Claims transactions split by the actual risks associated with the product on each policy
Complaints Register
Register of all complaints, by type and matched to the relevant quote, policy or claim
User defined hierarchies and bandings in the insurance cube + dynamic policy mapping
Standard Industry Rules
Industry based rules for validating premium and claims transactions
Customer Specific Validation Rules
Data validation rules specific to the customer
Missing Data Analysis
For all analysis dimensions, auto mapping of all missing items to a default member
Standard set of documented measures and customer specific measures
Loss Ratios
Ultimate Loss Ratios - This requires the claims estimation models to be implemented. Enables the calculation of project loss ratios based on future claims estimations
Managed Data Sources
Fully automated source (XLSX or SQL) - Customer specific data source - either on premise or hosted by a 3rd party
Standard Premium Analysis
Written and earned premium analysis across all defined policy and claims attributes
Policy Holder Analysis
Premium analysis across all policy holder details
Insured Analysis
Premium analysis across all insured attributes
Product Analysis
Multiple LOB - Product specific attributes + Risk Analysis - Ability to define a risk register and link multiple risks to each product.
Standard Quotation Analysis
Quotation analysis by product, person and time
Quote Conversion Analysis
Analysis on quote to policy conversion
Sales Productivity Analysis
Quotation analysis by location, team and sales person (including conversion analysis)
Standard set of PowerBI Dashboards / Reports / Excel Menus / Excel Reports
Time Intelligence
Ability to define a register of all binder agreements and analysis by underwriting periods based binder period associated with each policy
Statistical Analysis
Customer specific statistical measures
Triangulation Statistics
Advanced Triangulations - Multi year triangulation reports
Currency Analysis
Multi Currency Conversions (single reporting currency) + Multi Currency Conversions (multiple reporting currencies)
Exception Analysis
A standard set of exception based analysis rules. Aims to identify exceptions across attribute members + Customer specific exception rules
Financial Analysis
Cashflow Analysis - Ability to store all receipts, invoices and payments against policies
Geospatial Analysis
Vector Based Geo Analysis - Ability to analyse premiums and claims using maps
Predictive Analysis
Claims Estimation - A number of standard claims estimation models that enables use to estimate future claims against historical performance
Claims split by Claimant
Ability to analyse instances where a claimant claims against more than one risk in a single claim
2-4 Data Sources Supported
35 Days MI Consultancy
20 Monthly Support Hours