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Benefits & Features
Provides comprehensive Underwriting Performance trend dashboard, clearly displaying Earned Premium, Written Premium, Claims Recoveries, Paid Claims and Reserves in one place over time
Performance trends can be displayed by Broker, Product and Scheme allowing for any level of granularity and exploration
Claims data can be presented and contrasted by either Incident Date (date of loss), Notification Date (from the broker) and Transaction Date (accounting date)
Full cause and effect analyses can be cross filtered on Region, Product and Broker
Data Source(s)
Any Policy Administration system from a Premiums perspective
Any Claims system, Third Party Administrator (TPA) system
Premium and/or Claims Bordereau files
MI Platform
Underlying MI Data Warehouse produced by EiB AppStudio in Microsoft Azure cloud
Power BI Models stored as Premium Per User (PPU) or Premium datasets
Excel reporting provided by connecting EiB ReportStudio in Excel 365 to the Power BI Model
The Power BI Dashboard whilst shown above for Motor, can be easily produced for Personal Lines, Commercial Lines and other Line of Businesses (LOB)
The Power BI dashboard file will be made available to each Customer so derivatives can be easily developed by those Customers who want to own ongoing development of their Dashboards
JSON file will also be provided, so corporate branding guidelines can be applied
EiB Power BI Template also provided to provide a common methodology for developing new Dashboards
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